

以老子思想探討動物倫理 Research into Animal Ethics in Lao-Tzu's thought

動物解放與護生行動: 從關懷生命協會的角度來探討 The Animal Liberation and the Action of Life Protection: Discussion from the Standpoint of the Life Conservationist Association

日本對待動物的態度概說 General Attitude towards Animals in Japan

論瑪莎‧納斯邦(Martha C. Nussbaum)的動物正義論 On Martha C. Nussbaum’s View of the Theory of Animal Justice

「人類為本」與「眾生平等」 ──印順法師「人間佛教」觀點下的動物保護“Anthropocentricity” and “Equality of All Sentient Beings”: Animal Protection from Ven. Yinshun’s “Humanistic Buddhism” Point of View

台灣動物保護法之危機與轉機The Crisis and the Turning Point of Taiwan’s Animal Protection Act

論納斯邦之公義論與動物能力:儒家之評價與回應 On Nussbaum’s Theory of Justice and Animal Capabilities: A Confucian Evaluation and Response

現代人的動物孤寂 The Animal Solitude of Contemporary Man

生態桂冠詩人蓋瑞‧史耐德與其動物倫理觀The Poet Laureate of Deep Ecology Gary Snyder and His Animal Ethics

Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet into an Even Darker Future? -the Stray Animal Problem under the Threat of Rabies in Taiwan 走過死蔭的幽谷,卻進入更黑暗的未來? ──談狂犬病疫情後的台灣的流浪動物問題

撲殺動物作為疫情控制手段之倫理爭議: 觀察德語系國家如何運用強制性先決條件降低民眾的疑慮 Can the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes be Ethically Acceptable? How the Use of Mandatory Preconditions Mitigates Public Concerns in German-speaking Countries

「動物權」之哲學論述——什麼是動物權?動物權為何重要?Animal Rights: What They Are, and Why They Matter