和我們一同連署 解救困在動物園長達35年的大象Mali
Dear Minister of Agriculture,
I am writing this letter on behalf of Life Conservation Association to support PETA Asia's campaign to ensure the release of Mali, the elephant from the Manila Zoo and to be permanently retired (after 35 years of being locked up inside a small pen). We need your permission to help transfer Mali to a sanctuary, a natural habitat, for her mental and physical well-being.
Elephants are highly intelligent and need to be in a social environment. They are the giants of the wild with the largest brain of any land creature. To force these animals for commercial use is inhumane. For this reason, many progressive countries and cities around the world have halted the exhibition of elephants in zoos. Elephants belong to the wild open plains, they need to roam freely with their own kind on soft earth.
In addition, Mali needs a thorough health screening as zoo animals are forced to stand on concrete all year round. The lack of exercise will lead to joint deterioration and overall chronic structural/circulatory problems in addition to the emotional stress.
According to the law of nature, all animals should be free from captivity and mistreatment.
Thank you for reading this letter. Like thousands of caring people around the world, I would be very grateful if you will grant Mali a free and healthy new life.
Respectfully Yours,
Shih, Chien-An
Life Conservation Association
農業部部長 您好
中華民國關懷生命協會以此信支持由PETA Asia發起解放大象Mali的活動,讓關在狹小象圈裡長達35年的Mali從馬尼拉動物園退休。為了讓Mali能擁有健康的身心狀態,我們衷心希望您能同意協助將Mali移置到自然棲地。
釋見岸 合十
中華民國關懷生命協會 理事長
請點進以下網頁參與連署,LET'S Free Mali! http://www.change.org/SaveMali
FREE MALI(臉書粉絲團)