


【吳宗憲專欄】對動物的愛,能夠被計算嗎? 從支付意願(WTP)調查看農場動物福利產品政策的推動


動物防疫撲殺與人類健康之倫理考量與實務探討 Ethical and Practical Issues regarding Animal Disease, Mass Culling and Human Health

動物解放與護生行動: 從關懷生命協會的角度來探討 The Animal Liberation and the Action of Life Protection: Discussion from the Standpoint of the Life Conservationist Association

日本對待動物的態度概說 General Attitude towards Animals in Japan

有關「如何保護動物免於受虐」的探討與挑戰──新加坡經驗分享 Issues and Challenges in the Protection of Animals from Cruelty: The Singapore Experience

撲殺動物作為疫情控制手段之倫理爭議: 觀察德語系國家如何運用強制性先決條件降低民眾的疑慮 Can the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes be Ethically Acceptable? How the Use of Mandatory Preconditions Mitigates Public Concerns in German-speaking Countries
